HUSKEY No. 7 LUBRICANT & SEALANT is a blend of the finest synthetic lubricant base stocks, thickeners, and additives. HUSKEY No. 7 is engineered for use in difficult-to-hold products while still providing a perfect seal.
- 100% Synthetic
- Resistant to Practically All Solvents Including Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
- Will Not Contaminate Line Product
- Does Not Contain Clay Filters
- Leaves No Residue in Valves
HUSKEY No. 7 LUBRICANT & SEALANT is designed for use in all lubricated valves in gasoline, LPG, natural gas, chlorinated solvents, aromatics, water, alcohols, and other service conditions where solvent action of product stream may cause valve operation problems.
Package Availability
- Small Sticks For Screw Type Lubricators
- J & K Gun Sticks
- 5 qt. Can
- 5 gal. Pail
- 15 gal. Keg
Typical Specifications
Product: No. 7 LUBRICANT & SEALANT | Color: Translucent White |
Texture: Tacky-Smooth | Base Oils: Synthetic |
Service Range: 10°F to 425°F | Dropping Point: None |
The name of this product or group of products is for product identification only. HUSK-ITT CORPORATION makes no warranties, representations or conditions of any kind expressed or implied, whether for merchantability or fitness with respect to these products. The final determination of the suitability of the products for the application contemplated by the user is the sole responsibility of the buyer. HUSK-ITT CORPORATION sales personnel are not authorized to amend this warranty limitation.